These services can be accessed from an http address, and return a result in either XML or JSON. 这些服务可以通过一个http地址访问,并以XML或者JSON的方式返回一个结果。
Seam uses a custom servlet to handle HTTP requests to execute a remote method and return its result. Seam使用定制servlet来处理HTTP请求以便执行远端方法并返回其结果。
A one-way operation corresponds to when you don't expect your service to return a result. 单向操作对应于不希望服务返回结果的情况。
Django uses the model to generate and execute SQL statements in the database, which in turn return a result. Django使用模型在数据库中生成和执行SQL语句,反过来,这些SQL语句会返回一个结果。
DYNAMIC RESULT SETS: This determines if the stored procedure will return a result set or not. DYNAMICRESULTSETS:这决定存储过程是否返回一个结果集。
Listing 1 and Figure 2 show how to create a very simple Lotus Script class that uses only one method to add two numbers and to return the result. 清单1和图2展示了如何创建一个非常简单的LotusScript类,该类仅使用一个方法对两数求和并返回结果。
The search engine application might return result documents so that the field that the user searched upon always appears first. 搜索引擎应用程序可以返回结果文档,因此用户搜索的字段总是最先出现。
If so, then run the evaluator's internal procedure for that special form and return the result. 如果是,则运行求值程序对应于那个特殊行为的内部处理过程,并返回结果。
This call will return a result set of data that we will iterate through. 这一调用将返回一个我们重复循环的数据结果集。
They can also be used to return result sets to the calling program. 它们还可以用来将结果集返回给调用程序。
This article assumes that you have some experience using PHP already and can use a function to pass a variable and return a result. 本文假设您已经具有一些使用PHP的经验,并能够使用函数来传递变量并返回结果。
Return result sets that include many rows, from several thousand to several million rows. 返回包括很多行的结果集,从数千行到数百万行。
After invoking the Web service, the servlet will return the result of the addition. 在调用该Web服务之后,Servlet将返回加法运算的结果。
To return a result, scalar rules only require the field values of the record that is currently evaluated. 为返回一个结果,标量规则只需要记录的当前已评估字段值。
There's no easy way to return the result of an asynchronous call. 无法使用简单的方法返回异步调用的结果。
It is possible that a stored procedure can return multiple result sets as well. 存储过程也可能返回多个结果集。
Candidates for Computational or Decision behavioral rules take input and return a result. Computational或Decision行为规则的候选会接收输入并返回结果。
This should return a result of the IBM share price and is an indication that a Web service request has been successfully routed through a gateway instance on the cluster. 这将返回IBM共享价格的结果并且指出已经通过集群上的网关实例将Web服务请求成功路由了。
As with any operation, the rules perform some computation and may return a result to the client. 对于任何操作,相应规则将执行一些计算工作,并可能向客户机返回结果。
While SQL statements return result sets and UDFs return values ( scalar or tabular), stored procedures can return multiple values in OUT and INOUT parameters, in addition to multiple result sets. SQL语句返回结果集,UDF则返回值(标量或表格),而存储过程除了返回多个结果集外,还在OUT和INOUT参数中返回多个值。
You can use stored procedures to return a result set table with several rows of data in separate columns. 可以使用存储过程来返回一个结果集表,其中在单独的列中保存多行数据。
Return Result ( last)-the last segment of an operation is conveyed and success completion is reported. 返回结果(最后)&传输操作的最后一个段并报告成功完成。
Return one result per row. 每一行返回一个结果。
In order to be fully dynamic, the return result shouldn't be cached. 为了完全动态,返回结果不应被缓存。
Cannot return multiple result sets ( not supported by the provider). 无法返回多个结果集(提供程序不支持)。
Return Result ( not last)-conveys segments of an operation except for the last segment. 返回结果(除最后)&传输某个操作除最后一个以外的所有段。
A satisfying return or result; profit. 令人满意的回报或结果;利益。
Recursive queries create original results to obtain result sets by recursion and return final result sets. 递归查询通过创建初始结果,递归获取结果集,并返回最终结果集;
The modifier has to return the result of its processing. 修饰字必须回传处理过后的结果。
The return result has accepted the supposition 2 and the supposition 3, after the audit committee sets up, the company obtains "cleanly" the report of audit, the possibility the company change the auditor because they writes up the non-standard opinion report become small. 回归结果接受了假设2和假设3,证明审计委员会设立后公司获得更加清洁的审计报告,审计师因出具非标准意见审计报告而被更换的可能性变小。